Community Garden

In 2018, our Parish began to explore what we could do to play our part in the ‘fifth mark of mission’ of the Anglican Communion, which is to ‘strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth’. Realising that a community garden would help us to achieve this, as well as help us better connect with the community of Wallsend, we applied for and were awarded a City of Newcastle Community Support Grant in 2023.

Our Garden is now a reality, after our opening by Bishop Sonia Roulston and Councillors Adamczyk and Richardson in April.

We are aiming to grow and harvest fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs to support local families, or anyone who might be struggling with the current cost of living.

If you are a keen gardener, or a willing learner and would like to become a volunteer in our garden, please phone our office on (02) 4955 9544 or use our CONTACT PAGE.